Donations help our parish remain financially robust.
Donate online today or setup a regular donation through Parishdirect.

Direct Deposit
BSB: 704-901 | Account: 00000040| Account Name: Bribie Island Anglican Parish | Reference: Donation

Leaving a Bequest

A bequest can change many lives. You can make a real difference to the good work of the Anglican Parish of Bribie Island by making a Will and choosing to leave a bequest which will be a lasting symbol of your generosity. Past bequests have enabled the establishment of new rural and urban ministries, community support in times of hardship and programs and facilities to help those in need.

Bequest Will Clause: “I give and bequeath the sum of $…… (or the rest and residue of my estate) to The Corporation of The Synod of The Diocese of Brisbane for the general charitable and religious purposes of the parish of Bribie Island, and the receipt of the Diocesan General Manager shall be a sufficient discharge to my executor or trustee.”

Please contact us if you would like more information.