Sunday 15 October 2023

This Sunday we welcome Fr. James Oulds as our celebrant at both services.

Here are the Notices for this Week

Health and Safety Notice – If you feel you may be contagious with cold and flu symptoms, please refrain from attending church activities. All parishioners are encouraged to maintain good hygiene practices and respect others personal space.

Scams – A reminder to be wary of scams which have been happening again.  No one connected with leadership in the parish will ever contact you and ask you to share your financial details or ask you to buy something on our behalf like a gift card.

Australian Anglican Church Calendar 2024 - These calendars which support the work of the Anglican Church in Australia may now be ordered.  If you would like a calendar, please place your name on the list in the narthex.   Cost is $16 per calendar.  Payment can be made to the parish account with “Calendar” and your name in the reference or alternatively a clearly marked envelope with Calendar, your name and the correct money which can be placed in the box in the narthex by Sunday 5th November.

 2024 Lectionary - Shortly we will be ordering the 2024 Lectionary.  If you would like a copy, please place your name on the list in the narthex. Cost is $16.  Payment can be made to the parish account with “Lectionary” and your name in the reference or alternatively, a clearly marked envelope with Lectionary, your name and correct money which can be placed in the box in the narthex by Sunday 5th November.

 Dinner Party Raffle – Raffle will be drawn this Sunday 15th October.

AMUA Christmas Cards - Christmas cards are available from a box in the Narthex.  Cost is $5.00 for packet of 10 or 50 cents each. Money tin is provided in the box.  Brenda Allardyce

 Parish Contacts – If you need any assistance with matters relating to St Peter’s please contact the Churchwardens whose contact details are on the front of the Beacon and at the end of these notices. Until the appointment of a Locum the Parish phone will be diverted through to Debbie, our Volunteer Parish Administrator.

Appointment of a New Priest for St Peter’s - At the AGM each year the Parish elects 3 nominators to work with the Diocese to seek the appointment of a Parish Priest. Our Parish Nominators are Di Thatcher, Margaret Peterson, Greg Rollason. All Parishioners are invited to submit names of clergy they feel would be suitable to be our next Parish Priest. Please support your Parish Nominators by assuring them of your prayers and by not asking them for updates. The process will take as long as it takes, and it is critical that all deliberations of the Presentation Board remain completely confidential.

Installation of New Archbishop - Archbishop-elect Jeremy Greaves will be installed as Archbishop of Brisbane at St John’s Cathedral on Saturday 16th December 2023 at 10.30am.

Focus on Fellowship – invites you to their Spring Morning Tea on Friday 20th October at 10.00am at the Freedom Church, 195 First Avenue, Bongaree.  The theme is Spring Flowers, so guests are invited to bring them, wear them, draw or paint them, enjoy them.  Guest Speaker is Helen Gardner who has returned from a mission trip to Thailand to visit the little flowers that grow in two of the orphanages there.  Free Admission – please bring a small plate of food to share.

“Lift the Lid on Mental Health” Walk – Bribie Island Rotary is holding a walk to raise funds for mental health from Brennan Park to the Bridge and back on Sunday 29th October commencing at 8.00am.  Tickets are $30 each which includes a t-shirt and may be purchased on the Eventbrite link or on the day at the park from 7.00am.  For more information, please contact Jeff Eustace 0412 353 820.

Saint Francis FestivalTomorrow, Saturday 14th October at St. Francis Theological College, 233 Milton Road, Milton from 10.00am to 3.00pm.  The festival is centred around the themes of Spirituality, Environment and Creativity and is a fun community building even which celebrates the spirit of St. Francis and brings people together.  See noticeboard for more information.

Northern Region Lay Retreat – This will be a silent retreat and run from Friday 24th November until Sunday 26th November at the Raymont Residential College, Auchenflower.  For further details and bookings, please contact Nerida Murray at

Donations - There is a box of envelopes in the narthex (with a pen) for use by anyone wishing to give money in the giving box for specific reasons e.g. Retiring Collections, payment for attending a function, purchase of items such as calendars, etc.  Please, please write on the envelope what the money is for, your name and the amount.  This will greatly assist the counters to distribute the funds to the correct account.

Parish Newsletter - The Beacon is a monthly publication released towards the beginning of each month.  If you have a notice you wish published in next month’s Beacon, please email it to the office by Sunday 29 October.

Here are the Readings and Prayer Points for this week.

Readings for this Sunday – (Ordinary Sunday 28) Exodus 32.1-14; Psalm 106.1-6, 20-24; Philippians 4.1-9; Matthew 22.1-14.

Collect for this Sunday – Saving and healing God, you have promised that those who have died with Christ shall live with him:  grant us grace to be continually thankful for all you have done for us, and in that thankfulness to be eager to serve and live for others, so that we and all your children may rejoice in your salvation; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.   Amen.

Prayer for a New Parish Priest - Bountiful God, give to this parish a faithful pastor who will faithfully speak your word and minister your sacraments; an encourager who will equip your people for ministry and enable us to fulfil our calling. Give to those who will choose, wisdom, discernment, and patience, and to us give warm and generous hearts, for Jesus Christ's sake.  Amen.

Birthdays this Week – Janet Berry (20th), Jan Jones (20th).

Prayer Requests – Anne Dowd, Greg Bean, Vivienne Bourne, Vicki, Linda Peterson.

Continuing Prayer List Elva Woods, Kaye Bush, Phillipa Booth, Krista-Liisa Pulkkinen, Elizabeth, Nicholas & Blake Kubler.

Those Who Grieve – For Rhonda and family and friends of Ron MacKenzie-Mowle who died on Thursday 12th October.

Online Sunday Worship – If you would like to watch a full Eucharist, visit YouTube and search for St John’s Cathedral Brisbane.

Churchwardens’ Contacts -

Greg Rollason – 0431 598 560  Email –

Margaret Peterson – 5497 6978  Email –

Di Thatcher – 0409 846 471 Email –
