Here are the Readings and Prayer Points for this week.
Readings for this Sunday – 1 Samuel 17.32-49; Psalm 9.9-20; 2 Corinthians 6.1-13; Mark 4.35-41
Collect for this Sunday – O God our defender, storms rage about us and cause us to be afraid: rescue your people from despair, deliver your sons and daughters from fear, and preserve us all from unbelief; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen
Birthdays This Week
William Norvill (28th)
Prayer Requests – John Kerr, Elva Woods, Vivienne Bourne, Margaret & Brian Thompson, Linda Peterson, Neena Thompson and Royce Voss.
Continuing Prayer List – Kaye Bush, Phillipa Booth, Elizabeth, Nicholas & Blake Kubler.
Online Sunday Worship – If you would like to watch a full Eucharist, visit YouTube and search for St John’s Cathedral Brisbane.
Here are the Notices for this Week
Health and Safety Notice – If you feel you may be contagious with cold and flu symptoms, please refrain from attending church activities. All parishioners are encouraged to maintain good hygiene practices and respect others personal space.
Safety Alert – Please refer to the attached notice in relation to Burns and Scalds.
Referring to actions required in areas such as kitchens.
You will find copies of this notice in all kitchens and main noticeboards
Patronal Festival; Just a quick reminder. Our newly appointed Bishop has accepted our invitation to celebrate at a combined service at 10am on Sunday June 30th 2024. After the service, all are invited to share in a special morning tea. This is followed by the patronal lunch (at a cost of $25.00 per person). Please sign up for your place on the signup sheet in the Narthex
Taizé like service – Come and join us! Share in worship! A contemplative service that is based on the Taizé Tradition. Saturday the 27th July starting at 5pm. All are Welcome! Invite a friend!
AMUA – Next Gathering will be Monday, June 24th at 10:00am. AMUA Members, please gather in St Peters to share Eucharist, followed by morning tea and fellowship. Then there will be the opportunity to share either a favourite poem or one you have discovered as special to you. Please bring yours along. Everyone is welcome
Dementia Friends: Please refer to the attached flyer about Dementia Friends national program. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact :
Di Thatcher 0409 846 471 or email her on
There will be a meeting here at St Peters Monday 22/07/2024 10am
Information session and morning tea
Ecumenical Focus on fellowship Fashion Parade:
Kay Benson and Margaret Weise would like to thank everyone that supported the parade. The day was a huge success with over 300 guests enjoying fellowship, food and fun. Our models Rev Gary, Greg, Frankie and Di did an amazing job ‘strutting their stuff’ on the catwalk. A wonderful, combined effort in community and ecumenism. Here are a few photos of our models doing their thing.
Singing Group—The singing Groups in currently in Hiatus till further advised
Hope25 is an opportunity for us to share the hope that we have in Jesus. It is an intentional season of sharing hope in Jesus for every parish and community in the Anglican Church of Australia. The dates will be Easter Day (April 20) to Pentecost Sunday (June 8) 2025.
Each parish is invited to prayerfully commit to doing (at least) one new activity to share the hope that we have in Jesus during this season. Every parish is encouraged to form a parish Hope25 team who will receive step by step encouragement via the monthly Hope25 email list.
For more information, see the Hope25 website, where you can sign up for the email list:
Bribie Island Neighbourhood Centre - Can you help the vulnerable people in the Bribie Island community find their next meal?
Each of us can help in the simplest of ways.
Next time you go food shopping, consider putting one extra non-perishable item in your trolley for the Bribie Island Neighbourhood Centre.
The items they are looking for are:
Breakfast Cereal – (e.g. Weet-Bix)
Spreads – (e.g. Vegemite, Peanut Butter, Jam)
Pasta and Spaghetti – (raw)
Can Meals – (e.g. Baked Beans and Spaghetti)
Long-life Milk.
Tea and Coffee.
If you can help and work with our ministry partner to provide and assist those in need, please place your items in the box in the Narthex at church.
Sunday Roster – There are vacancies in the following duties for Sunday Services, both 7.30 am and 9.30 am. AV Operators, Welcomers, Sidespersons and Intercessors are needed. Interested persons are asked to contact Margaret Peterson on 5497 6978.
Name Badges—If you would like a new name badge, there is a list in the narthex. Please print your name clearly on the list. The cost is $10 per badge, which can be paid when received. Badges will be ordered at the beginning of the month.
Donations - There is a box of envelopes in the narthex (with a pen) for use by anyone wishing to give money in the giving box for specific reasons e.g. Retiring Collections, payment for attending a function, purchase of items such as calendars, etc. Please, please write on the envelope what the money is for, your name and the amount. This will greatly assist the counters to distribute the funds to the correct account.
Churchwardens’ Contacts -
Greg Rollason – 0431 598 560 Email –
Margaret Peterson – 5497 6978 Email –
Di Thatcher – 0409 846 471 Email –