Here are the Notices for this Week
Health and Safety Notice – If you feel you may be contagious with cold and flu symptoms, please refrain from attending church activities. All parishioners are encouraged to maintain good hygiene practices and respect others personal space.
LA Training – A training session for those interested in becoming LA’s and current LA’s will be held on Monday 12th February from 2.00pm to 3.30pm in the church.
Welcomer Training – A training session for those interested in becoming Welcomers and current Welcomers will be held on Monday 12th February from 1.30pm to 2.00pm in the church.
Lenten Studies – A reminder that the Lenten Studies begin this week onTuesday 6th February at 10.00am and Friday 9th February at 2.00pm. Both sessions will study the booklet “God’s Own Country” by ABM Education Missioner, Stephen Daughtry. If you wish to attend and haven’t added your name to the list, please speak to Rev. Gary.
Old Palm Crosses – If anyone has old palm crosses to donate for Ash Wednesday, Rev Gary would greatly appreciate it. Please leave with the sidesperson by Sunday 11th February.
Parish AGM - The Parish Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 25th February. Nominations are called for the positions of Churchwarden, Parish Nominator, Synod Representative and Parish Councillor and these nominations need to be submitted in the box in the narthex by Sunday 18th February.
AGM Reports – Any groups wishing to submit reports for the AGM Booklet are welcome to do so. These reports must be sent to the office ( no later than Wednesday 7th February.
Easter Cards – AMUA have Easter Cards available for purchase in the card stand in the narthex.
AMUA Eucharist - AMUA members are reminded on Monday 26th February 2024, there will be a Eucharist at 10.00am in St Peters followed by a morning tea in Cooinda. This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet and greet our new Priest in Charge, Rev Gary and welcome our new members.
WHS – Anyone who has a passion for Workplace Health and Safety or experience in this field and is interested in being involved with the church’s compliancy, please speak to Rev. Gary.
Worship Group Team – If anyone has an interest in joining a Worship Group Team to assist in sourcing items and decorating the church for seasonal events, Rev Gary would like to hear from you.
Pastoral Care Team – For those with a passion for Pastoral Care and would like to join a team, please speak to Rev. Gary.
Sunday Roster – There are vacancies in the following duties for Sunday Services, both 7.30am and 9.30am. AV Operators, Welcomers, Sidespersons and Intercessors are needed. Interested persons are asked to contact Margaret Peterson on 5497 6978.
Name Badges – If you would like a new name badge there is a list in the narthex. Please print your name clearly on the list. Cost is $10 per badge which can be paid when received. Badges will be ordered at the beginning of the month.
Chaplaincy & Religious Instruction Commissioning Service – The service will be held on Sunday 11th February at 6.00pm at the Bribie Island Baptist Church, 7/9 Cotterill Avenue Bongaree. All are welcome.
Containers for Change - Glass wine and spirit bottles (150ml up to 3L) are now eligible for 10 cent refund in Queensland. The Queensland Government has given wine and spirit manufacturers until January 2027 to display the 10-cent refund marking on their labels. During this grace period eligible glass wine and spirit bottles can be returned for a refund without the 10-cent mark. Please bring in your empty wine and spirit bottles as well as your usual donations.
Donations - There is a box of envelopes in the narthex (with a pen) for use by anyone wishing to give money in the giving box for specific reasons e.g. Retiring Collections, payment for attending a function, purchase of items such as calendars, etc. Please, please write on the envelope what the money is for, your name and the amount. This will greatly assist the counters to distribute the funds to the correct account.
Here are the Readings and Prayer Points for this week.
Readings for this Sunday – (Epiphany 5) Isaiah 40.21-31; Psalm 17.1-11; 1 Corinthians 9.16-23; Mark 1.29-39.
Collect for this Sunday – Saving God, whose Son, Jesus Christ, healed the sick and brought them wholeness of body and mind: inspire us, his disciples, so that we may constantly proclaim his gospel by our words and by the dedication and integrity of our lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Prayer Requests – John Kerr, Vivienne Bourne, Linda Peterson.
Continuing Prayer List – Elva Woods, Kaye Bush, Phillipa Booth, Elizabeth, Nicholas & Blake Kubler.
Those Who Grieve – It is with sadness that we inform the community of the passing of David Wisemen this past week. David and his late wife, Leila, were committed parishioners at St Peter’s for a long time, and they always enjoyed all the social occasions that the church hosted, especially the annual Soup Night. We give thanks and celebrate his life. We offer our condolences to his family. There will be no funeral.
Thank You - Thank you to everyone who helped with Bill and offered to drive me last Sunday. Everyone was very supportive, and we really appreciate your care. Bill agreed to being checked out at the Caboolture hospital. He did have a “heart incident” but has recovered well, although it will continue to happen, hopefully not in church next time. Thank you all, Anne and Bill Dowd
Online Sunday Worship – If you would like to watch a full Eucharist, visit YouTube and search for St John’s Cathedral Brisbane.
Churchwardens’ Contacts -
Greg Rollason – 0431 598 560 Email –
Margaret Peterson – 5497 6978 Email –
Di Thatcher – 0409 846 471 Email –